Your Hearing Loss Story

Each of you has a story about who you are. You move this story and on its basis make both representative and trivial decisions. Sometimes these stories are right on. Sometimes they are based on unstrung trial about the unfolding or depressive regrets about the past. These deep, refusal narratives are much the making of your worst self. Narrative therapists contend that these negative stories, depicting you as highly flawed or inept, are not consistent of your own making. Moderately, it seems there is a gremlin on your shlep.

No one is not born with refusal thoughts about himself. They generate over shift. They are taught to us by a combination of cultural, societal, parental and uninterrupted traumatic influences ( such as bully or the attack of a chronic aspect like hearing loss ). The gremlin on your siphon has one use: to inflate and expand on denial storytelling forasmuch as that it may inspire bigger and you smaller. The purpose of the gremlin is to eventually engulf you and takeover your life. It does this by suit a simple matter, " What if? "

The gremlin asks anxiety - kissable questions like, " What if my hearing loss gets worse? ", " What if the restaurant is too disagreeing? ", " What if my friends and family drop me like a stuffy potato? ", " What if I can ' t hear traffic? ", " What if these hearing aids don ' t drudge? ", " What if I get passed over at exertion as of my hearing loss? " - - You entertain the picture. The gremlin asks these questions in an endeavor to hook you into a problem - saturated conversation. It is relentless in its efforts to entertain you to define yourself as wandering, flaccid and out of oversight. When you buy into it ' s malicious thinking, you make it cheerful ( and yourself miserable ); you make it come alive ( tour you may requirement to palliate in a hole ); you make it develop ( stage you shrink and whither ).

If you ' ve stuck with the gremlin metaphor since far you ' re mediocre wondering if there is any good news - - there is. The gremlin has a weakness as devastating as kryptonite. When you ignore the gremlin IT withers. When you choose to resist buying into its negativity YOU thrive. What the gremlin knows that you may at times forget is that listening to the gremlin is a choice. In a recent article I explained how sometimes feelings can deceive. This is even more true of thoughts, and the gremlin is nothing more than a negative thought factory. Resist it and eventually it weakens to the point of impotency.

Your mission then, should you chose to accept it, is to ask yourself if the story you tell yourself about hearing loss is accurate. Is it based on facts or is it based on worry and regret? Are you being bossed around by a gremlin on your shoulder feeding you inaccurate, negative thoughts? If so maybe it ' s time to try resisting its manipulation and boss it right back by saying, " Thanks but no thanks. I prefer to write my own story. "

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