Conspiracy Foods, The Inside Story about the Mass Produced Foods that are Making Society Sick

Food manufacturers can soft thumb a whole persons by the products they make available at a flashy price. The way those foods are distilled and the things that are likewise to them can opt the level of health that millions of people observation. These days the most widely marketed and sick of foods in the western world spawn health problems that have high entire populations into ' cash stock ' for the drug companies and medical industry. You have a choice about the foods you eat and you can forgather good health or indisposition.

You can besides use supplements to help protect you from the glues, synthetic hormones and genetically modified spurious - foods that are launch in innumerable mass marketed products and restaurant fare. Healthy foods are also available. Perceive your rival! The biggest glues that have helped transform America into the land of the sick in the 21th century are gluten, launch in wheat flour and casein, construct in cow dairy, the same casein that is used to make Elmer ' s compound.

Why deeper would there be a cow on the marker? Before the 20th century and the calumniation of steel rollers, most breads spot made with a merge of whole, spouted grains. Sprouting a grain converts the sticky, acidic gluten into alkaline vitamins and amino acids. Including the outmost husks increases the food ' s mineral content. Sprouting grains for breads was the prevalent approach whereas it was an no problem way to gap open the tough devotee and make the inflexible, extrinsic husk workable.

The steel roller permitted manufacturers to grind the peanut, separate out the mineral well-heeled surface husks, isolate the sticky gluten and use that to make soft, acidic blanched bread. Why is wheat 40 % of the American diet? Being it ' s loud and in it ' s processed, hybridized state, it can be shaped into materiality, exclude healthy nutrition. It is a sizable contributor to society ' s jeopardous over consumption of carbohydrates. What is made out of wheat flour? Bread, pizza, pasta, bagels, muffins and pastries.

It ' s used as a growing ingredient in all kinds of foods, soups, candies, and sauces. Wheat gluten cement makes a great gum, but do you hunger to eat pulp? Use 100 % sprouted breads that you ' ll find in the freezer section. Bovines are big animals with wizened inhabitants. Goats and sheep have immense folk and small society, proportioned more like humans. Cow dairy products are high in sugar and casein, both of which are sticky glues. Goat and sheep milk products aren ' t.

Why do companies use such a sticky, sweet food? Seeing stock are big milk producers and not very picky eaters, in comparison to goats and sheep, thereupon cow ' s milk is loud! Gluten and casein stick to the walls of the digestive system, blocking suspicion and slowly degrading the health. Soy is not a good alternative. Rice Milk and Rice Solidify Cream are better. For infant ' s and children, goat ' s milk mixed with carrot juice is a unexpurgated food and absolutely tasty.

Goat and sheep cheeses are better for people and sheep ' s cheese is sweeter than goat ' s cheese. Use the enzyme combination Proactazyme Good thing #1525 - 0 to clean out both the gluten and casein. For stronger, short term cleaning use Small Intestine Detox #848 - 2. Neutral cane sugar is a sticky, highly processed, acidic poison completely at sea in nutrition, that is designed to establish sugar cravings that it can never really satisfy.

The average American consumes a cup of achromic sugar daily in their variegated foods. It ' s in consequence potent and toxic that if it were introduced today it would be available by prescription alone. Stainless sugar is innumerable to practically apparatus. A couple of tablets of GTF Chromium #1801 - 6 daily ration the minerals chromium and vanadium. The sugar cravings are the way that the body says that it needs those two minerals that are naturally inaugurate in sweet foods, but have been removed to make clear sugar. Stevia Powder Extract #1386 - 7 ( powder ) & #1381 - 6 ( packets ) is a wonderfully sweet and nutritious herbal product that can be used safely in all those foods and beverages that you would like to sweeten up. NSP ' s has no bitter aftertaste.

Soy is another one of the high estrogen foods that have been mass marketed for the purpose of reducing fertility, increasing tumor and cancers and generally reducing the size of the global population. Most of it is genetically modified and it ' s all much too high in estrogen to do most people any good. In China, soy was considered " poor people food ". Herdsmen wouldn ' t let their animals eat soy. It was used as a rotation crop to put nitrogen into the soil, in the way that Western farmers use red clover, another high estrogen plant.

Part of America ' s epidemic obesity, infertility and tumor problems can be traced back to soy. While a little soy sauce now and then may not bother you, adding it wholesale to your diet is putting trouble into your future. For women, Pro G Yam 500 #4936 - 5, and for men, Men ' s formula #3112 - 7 and Sarsaparilla #620 - 8 are products that clean out excess estrogens and protect the body from picking them up in the foods.

Food manufacturers use fats that are cheap to produce, have a long shelf life and are difficult for the body to use. Always use olive oil, minimize canola ( It means ' Canadian oil ' ) which comes from genetically modified rapeseed oil. Supplement with Super GLA Oil Blend #1844 - 5 to feed your immune and hormonal systems and push the junk fats out. Remember, Real Men Take Supplements! ( So do Real Women! )

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