Spinach is one of the most popular green leafy vegetables on the face of the earth. Spinach has a reputation of being very nutritious. Although many people know that it's nutritious, not many know the specific properties of spinach that make it healthy to eat. Looking at the evidence that science has to offer, it is quite evident that spinach deserves all the praise that it's got. You will be happy to know that when one compares the spinach to all other vegetable in terms of nutrient value, it comes out on top. For people who crave for good health, they should see to it that they include spinach in all their diets.
Spinach has a lot of vitamins and minerals in them. The vitamins that are found in the spinach are vitamins A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin B1 and vitamin B6. The minerals that are found in the spinach include calcium, zinc and potassium.
Making the spinach even more attractive to the health fanatics is the fact that it contains some special substances. A good example would be that it's packed with more than 12 phytonutrients. The phytonutrients bring with them many advantages. For example they have the ability to fight off cancer. Studies by scientists have been conducted to show that the consumption of spinach has helped reduce the occurrence of skin cancer. It also helps mitigate stomach cancer by reducing cell division.
Another cancer that can be prevented is breast cancer. Spinach also contains a substance referred to as carotenoid which has in it neoxanthin that is very advantageous to the men. This is because it can help reduce the occurrence of prostate cancer.
The calcium and vitamin K that is found in the spinach helps prevent the women from suffering from osteoporosis. The spinach also contains a lot of antioxidants. These are very helpful in the maintenance of cardiovascular health.
Spinach contains the substance known as folate. High levels of a substance referred to as homocysteine brings about the person being prone to having stroke. This substance is however important to the body but it's not required in high amounts. Thus the folate found in the spinach helps regulate the amount of homocysteine in the body. This in turn limits the probability of stroke.
The people who suffer from arthritis would be advised to consume a lot of spinach. Spinach has in it anti-inflammatory nutrients that will help reduce any swelling that comes about due to the arthritis.
It is a common feature in our world today that as people age their muscles degenerate and their eyes become prone to disease. Spinach contains a nutrient that prevents muscular degeneration and the development of cataracts. This nutrient is known as lutein. Thus if you want to maintain your eyesight in old age you had better consume a lot of spinach.
Thus, with all the health benefits provided above it should only be natural that one finds the necessity of including spinach in all their meals. This should not be a problem since spinach is also very sweet.
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