Vitamin D test is a way of analyzing the quantity of vitamin D in the blood stream. For this to happen one must know the occurrence of vitamins and the quantities that are warranted as normal. There are numerous ways of testing vitamin D. Blood assay is one of the complex but most accurate methods. Another method will be the diagnosis and making of conclusions as observed from symptoms of vitamin d deficiency or overdose. However, this is unreliable since it can only be used in the case of either high or low extremities.
What does a vitamin d test involve? Vitamin d is a collective term for several constituent that form this form of fat soluble vitamin. Its analysis is done by checking the two important constituent; which are, 25-hydroxyvitamin and 25-hydroxyvitamincommonly known as vitamin d2 and d3 respectively. The test of these components is vital since they are the only practical method of accurately determining their presence. The vitamin d level in blood should range between 30 and 80 nano grams per milliliter. Persons who have comparatively lower levels experience one or more bone related conditions.
Vitamin d is an example of a soluble fat. The content present in food can be tested using ordinary lab tests for soluble fats. Even though there might be no indicators of vitamin deficiency it is important to have the test done in order to have early information of its onset. If you exhibit one or more of the following symptoms or predisposing factors then you should consider taking a vitamin d test.
If your stay indoors for the better part of the day or experience limited exposure to the sun such as those living in high latitude areas, then a vitamin d test is recommended. Unexplained swellings and prolonged time taken in bone recovery and general weariness are indicators of absence of vitamins and calcium. Muscle pains which result in tiredness and prompt the victim to avoid mobility indicate deficiency in one or more metal minerals.
Elderly individuals should involve in more than one check up of vitamin d and calcium levels. These procedures are important since their body loses robustness and become unable to function optimally. Predisposing conditions such as celiac disease affect the capability of the intestines in absorbing vitamin which creates a vitamin d vacuum in the blood. Also an x-ray of the bone structure should help detect the density and recommend if there is need to have vitamin supplements. The test should be done as frequently as twice in a year and can be completed in less than 3 minutes.
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