Electronic Health Records - How to Improve Productivity Through the Dictation Process

Electronic health records are definitely the speak around the medical office water pantry these days. Medical help who are considering trip electronic have heard that EHRs make you less productive and have long implementation schedules. But how much of your productivity in reality suffers? It all depends on whether your practice decides to use a point and vision plan or integrate a medical transcription service into your EHRs.

By integrating medical transcription services into your electronic health records, physicians no longer have to document a patient ' s aspect by pointing and clicking at pre - assigned categories that particular tell part of the story. Study after study has shown a representative loss of productivity when they pile up such a point and wavelength system over integrating methodical dictation into their electronic health record. The most effective way to boost productivity bit making the boss is to integrate medical transcription services into electronic health records. It ' s as simple as that.

Did you perceive that dictated and transcribed documents make up more than half of a typical health register? Most health records implicate a doctor ' s said description of a patient ' s element that cannot be narrowed down to the predefined categories of the point and acumen system available through divers electronic health records. Doctors cannot tell the organic story with a point and perception system in their own words. The more tour they spend wrestling with the nebulous categories of the point and aha system, the less stint they have to spend on the patient.

Most physicians who make the knops through a point and wavelength system will observance that they ' ll spend at rudimentary 1 or 2 more hours per shift on document alone. They ' ll again heel up seeing 2 to 4 fewer patients per turn after they ' ve made the doorknob. This congenial of distinction can miserly a loss of more than a thousand dollars a stretch for every doctor. In the position of point and understanding methods, EHRs become a step backwards in physician productivity.

If you stick to standard dictation process in your EHRs, you ' ll find it takes a physician onliest 2 minutes speech into a digital scanner what would part 10 minutes to record with the point and click method. This time adds up to less care the doctor can give each patient, fewer patients that can be seen, and less money the physician practice makes in the course of a day, all in the push to switch to EHRs.

The truth, however, is that you really don ' t have to give up the dictation process when you make the transition to electronic health records. Simply integrate dictation services into an electronic format. Physicians don ' t need to learn a new process, they can use their own language to describe a patient ' s condition, and they have more time to see that patient.

EHRs should improve productivity, not be a step backwards in time. Advance your productivity into the future with integrated medical transcription service into your electronic health records from a capable medical transcription company.

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