Vitamin P For Skin Care

Vitamin P isn't a vitamin per se, but it is classified as a vitamin to speak for a variety of bioflavonoids. Bioflavonoids are not produced by our bodies, so we need a supplement or skin care product to deliver this special component. Vitamin P enhances the action of Vitamin C. As we know, Vitamin C is plays an important role in strengthening our immune system and it helps the skin repair and renew. This is one of many reasons that we need bioflavonoids in our diet or skin care products.

Bioflavonoids have a variety of benefits for our bodies and skin. Studies show that bioflavonoids stop or slow the growth of malignant cells. Vitamin P also acts as a natural antibiotic for our bodies, ridding of infection and fighting off illness and viruses. The bacteria fighting properties in bioflavonoids destroy bacteria found in our foods, so it protects us against food spoilage and food poisoning.

Vitamin P is also good for the treatment of injuries because they act as a pain reliever. Those with pain in the legs, back, and neck will find that bioflavonoids in their diet or topical treatments to work wonders in combating agonizing, persistent pain. In addition, Vitamin P relieves prolonged bleeding, prevents bruising, and heals injuries faster. It is also good for relieving pain for those with oral herpes.

It is best to take Vitamin P with Vitamin C because it enhances the absorption of Vitamin C. Some of the most potent skin care products available with Vitamin C include Vitamin P in the ingredients. When looking for oral vitamins, check for bioflavonoids on the ingredient list. If you are using a skin care product with Vitamin C, check to see if Vitamin P is included with the ingredients.

One way to tell if you have a deficiency in Vitamin P is your frequency or intensity of bruising. If you are experiencing frequent bruising or bruise easily, you may need more Vitamin P in your diet. An increase in allergies or allergic reactions is another sign that you may need bioflavonoids in your diet or skin care product.

There is no set standard on the daily intake of Vitamin P, but 500mg is recommended. Check your regular daily vitamin supplement ingredient list to see if you are receiving the maximum benefits of Vitamin P and C. Look for the bioflavonoids listed on the vitamin label. Too many bioflavonoids may pose a risk; it only takes a small amount to enhance the vitamins and minerals in your diet or skin care product.

If you are not getting the vitamins and bioflavonoid recommended in your daily vitamin, consider eating peppers, onions, garlic, green tea, red and blue berries, grapes, broccoli, apricots, parsley, red wine, and buckwheat. Another way to get Vitamin P, sits in the white material beneath citrus peel. This is the perfect way to get your Vitamin P and C together. Easily, tangerines are the easiest citrus fruit to get the white material of the peel. With oranges or lemons, the fruit is easier to pull off the peel then the white material. With tangerines, the white material comes off effortlessly.

Skin needs Vitamin C. Skin Care products that contain Vitamin C and Vitamin P are your best shot at repairing bruises, broken capillaries, varicose veins, and sun damaged skin. If you are using a skin care product with both vitamins in the ingredients, you should expect to see faster results and less recovery time.

Juice Beauty has a variety of skin care products with Vitamin P to enhance the vitamins and minerals contained in their skin care line.

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