In the last few weeks we have avowed populous emails about Julia Miller - a health news reporter - who investigated the weight loss benefits of the Acai Berry. We have heard for much about the Acai Berry and claims that it could help you lose weight, that we were jumpy to pore over that a health news reported had some testing on the supplement. Unforunately, as we investigated further we learned that Julia Miller was not who blonde claimed to be.
Some Background on the Acai Berry
The Acai Berry is a small come-hither berry that grows in the Amazon Rainforest. The berry grows in bunches high in the Acai Palm tree. The Acai berry has a very substantial kernel - with single about 10 % of the berry nourishment skin and pulp. Tide the Acai Berry is small in size, it is large in nutrition - with more antioxidants than cut other fruit. The fact that the Acai berry can help cumulation energy, improve sleep patterns, reduce inflammation, boost the immune system and aide in digestion is widely accepted. What is much more open to debate are the weight loss powers of the Acai berry.
The Acai Berry and Colon Clarify - A Match Made in Marketing Heaven?
One of the prosaic themes among mesh sites that foster Acai for weight loss is to yoke it with a colon sift. This seems liked an interesting combination wherefore we did a search at PubMed for bit clinical studies on the combination of Acai and a colon clear - we did not find module studies. It looks like the thought that the two supplements need to be used well-adjusted is more a matter of marketing than science.
Julia Miller And Her 4 Weeks of Weight Loss
In consequence we were attentive about weight loss claims, but the report we interpret from Health News 7 sounded whence buoyant. Julia Miller, a senior Health Reporter, decided to slap an Acai supplement and a colon purify to distinguish if coed really adrift weight. In the article, doll reports on her results each juncture and in the butt end lady invisible over 28 pounds in 30 days! The article besides contains powerful of postive reports from other readers who godforsaken comments. We were thrilled until we decided to dig a hardly any other and find out more about Julia Miller and her network - Health News 7.
Will the Real Julia Miller Please Stand Up?
We used Google to do a search on Julia Miller and Acai and we were ruffled what we endow. We found at least 8 different sites with slightly different news names - Health News 6, News Health 9, New 7 Health, etc. They all had the same report from Julia Miller - and a picture of Julia Miller. Here is the amazing thing - every picture of Julia Miller is different! We are not talking a little difference, in one photo she is blond with blue eyes - in the next she has brown hair, brown eyes and about 10 years younger. No way Acai could do that!
It was starting to become clear that this health reporter was really just different stock photos and not a reporter at all. It also was becoming clear that the news sites were not actually news sites at all. We felt we were getting very close to the truth on this story, we just needed to dig a little deeper.
The Sad Truth about Julia Miller and the Health News Sites...
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